Triplex in Bayswater

Triplex in Bayswater

Development Type: Triplex Development (Tandem)

Zoning: R25

Suburb: Bayswater

Council: City of Bayswater

Housing Type: Three single storey grouped dwellings.

Overall lot area: 1,014sqm

Lot 1: 300sqm

Lot 2: 285sqm

Lot 3: 313sqm

Common Property: 116sqm

This triplex project was presented to New Choice Homes for tender and although the site conditions were challenging, we were up for the task.

The designs were created by an independent design firm and the job was tendered out to builders. New Choice Homes was successful in winning the tender based on our ability to work with the layout of the land, and most importantly, keep costs down.

To minimise costs, the design was optimised to reduce the volume of earthworks required. This was achieved by incorporating dropped footings, eliminating the need to dig into the land and remove soil, as shown below.

The site presented challenges with existing structures, retaining walls and established vegetation, as well as a 2-metre fall from back to front. All these existing structures had to be demolished prior to commencing onsite. We successfully completed all demolition works, and built the individual dwellings, whilst also overseeing the project management and installation of all retaining walls.

New Choice Homes was able to create three stunning dwellings each with their own unique elevation. Whilst not all dwellings had street frontage, it was important for us to make the rear properties just as visually appealing. This was accomplished through a combination of different textures, colour palettes, corbeling and weatherboard cladding. We also added a touch of timeless character and charm, by incorporating Dutch gables and wooden finials into the roof design.

The final result

This triplex development project represents the perfect combination of clever design and affordability, and we are very proud of it.

Triplex in Bayswater

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